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Type :article
Subject :R Medicine (General)
ISSN :1574-1699
Main Author :Kristiani, Farah
Additional Authors :Nor Azah Samat
Sazelli Ab Ghani
Title :The SIR-SI Model with age-structured human population for dengue disease mapping in Bandung, Indonesia.
Year of Publication :2017

Abstract :
Dengue is one of the most dangerous vector-borne infectious diseases in the world which are fatal in many cases due to inefficient treatment. Although the relative risk estimations of dengue transmission are available for Bandung, one of the most populous cities in Indonesia, dengue cases especially among young people have increased rapidly. However, the age factor has not yet been included in these estimations. Because specific treatment and prevention depend on age, this factor must be considered in any dengue transmission model. In this article, the authors classify dengue cases in Bandung into juveniles and adults. Each group is analyzed by SIR-SI model to estimate the relative risk of dengue transmission as an indirect transmission disease which takes into account the stochastic factor. This model also considers a spatial correlation which affects dengue distribution in a specific area for a particular age group. The results of the analysis show that some areas in Bandung have medium to very high dengue risk, especially for the juvenile group. It is expected that The Health Department of Bandung will focus dengue transmission prevention programs more intensively on this group. In further research, if the data needed are available, this model can be applied to other cities in Indonesia


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