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Abstract : |
This study aimed to explore the relationship between the level of in-service training (IST) needs and teachers’ teaching skills to students’ achievement in secondary schools in the state of Perak, Malaysia. Data was collected through questionnaire. Study samples comprised 324 teachers were randomly selected from 18 schools. Data was analyzed using percentages, means, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation. The study showed a high level of IST needs by the respondents with a mean of 3.96. The increase of teaching skills level is at a moderate level with a mean of 3.61. Results of the hypotheses testing showed that there was no significant relationship between demographic factors (gender, age and teaching experience) in the level of the IST needs and the teaching skills. The study found a weak significant relationship between IST needs with teaching skills and no significant relationship between teaching skills and students’ achievement. Implications of the study include suggestions to improve the performance of IST and teaching skills in order to upgrade students’ achievement. |
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