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Type :article
Subject :H Social Sciences (General)
ISSN :2232-1926
Main Author :Rahmadi Agus
Additional Authors :Suzani Mohamad Samuri
Title :Learning analytics contribution in education and child development: a review on learning analytics
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2018

Abstract :
Learning Analytics is a new field of research that appears as a link between educator data and students. The Learning Analytics is also able to provide information about decision making to understand and optimise the learning process. Early childhood education is believed to be very important because the learner is open and always tries new things and is considered very meaningful for future processes in the development of all aspects of their personality. In this study, we aimed at investigating the application of learning analytics and how the learning process on child development in early childhood education. The Article Search Process is carried out on two databases, ScienceDirect and IEEE. In this study, the most important keywords are Learning Analytics and early childhood. The results of the search are 45 articles: (31/45) ScienceDirect and (14/45) IEEE, from 2012 to 2017. They are thoroughly explored in the Learning Analytics process, data collection and pre-processing, analysis and action, and post- processing. The process of data collection is done by implementing Online Systems or Game-Based Learning: 58% e-Learning systems, 27% Learning Analytics systems, and 15% Game-based learning. Many research was conducted on samples from Post graduate, High school and Elementary school. The results showed that early childhood education had the advantage of the use of the new technology and in enchancing the child’s knowledge and skills. Such as creativity and logical intelligence in the introduction of shapes and numbers. In the further study, the concept of Learning Analytics in the form of assessment and feedback that is given to support the improvement of the objectivity in the learning process by collaborating with educational games which can be another beneficial to the early childhood education. Objective assessment and feedback may be the monitor and prediction which will also be analised for the efficiency and effectiveness in the learning proces through the use of the technology.


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