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Type :article
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
ISSN :2232-0458
Main Author :Noor Amy Afiza Mohd Yusof
Additional Authors :Saedah Siraj
Mariani Md Nor
Azli Ariffin
Title :Fuzzy Delphi Method (fdm): determining phase for multicultural-based model of peace education curriculum for preschool children
Place of Production :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Year of Publication :2018

Abstract :
Recently, peace has become an issue being discussed especially in regards to cultural diversity. With education, peace can be conveyed to all walks of life and levels, in particular, the children as our future generation. This study aimed to determine phases and their interrelation towards multicultural-based model of peace education curriculum for preschool children. In order to acquire the accepted (agreement) value for each phase and their interrelation based on experts’ opinion, the Fuzzy Delphi Method was adopted. A set of questionnaire was administered to a group of 12 experts selected based on specified criteria. Seven phases (internal awareness, external stimuli, self- formation, personality cultivation, character development, identity development and action build-up) was given to each expert for their suitable selection of the model. Only 4 phases were selected based on the agreement value of above 75% while their interrelation was stipulated by defuzzification value of the phases from high to low value. The interrelated and selected phases were internal awareness, personality cultivation, character development and action build-up.


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