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Abstract : |
Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) is one of the strategies used in teaching and learning to discuss particular current issues that related to health, environment, medicine and genetic engineering as frequently reported in the mass media. This strategy used in teaching and learning to approach students in understanding and empowering the science concept. The purpose of this study is to develop a model based on SSI in measuring and assessing the cause effect relationship of the identified variables for the proposed model of reasoning skills among the science students. The method used in this research is a quantitative study with survey approach that will measure the model fit. A total of 500 respondents form four students in biology classes around four zones in Malaysia responded to four variables in the questionnaire (content acquisition, epistemology scientific belief, adhered moral and ethics and reasoning skills). Data was analyses by using SPSS and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) 21 to form Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of this study is projected to contribute the understanding of students’ reasoning skills especially in biology education. This study is expected to develop policies and guidelines towards the Centre of excellence in science teaching and learning. |
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