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Type :article
Subject :L Education (General)
ISSN :0094243X
Main Author :Mohd Faizal Nizam Lee Abdullah
Additional Authors :Lena Vimalanandan
Title :Mathematical knowledge for teaching: making the tacit more explicit in Mathematics teacher education (IR)
Year of Publication :2017
PDF Full Text :Login required to access this item.

Abstract :
Teaching practice during school based experiences, afford an opportunity for pre service teachers to put into practice their knowledge for teaching mathematics. Like all knowledge, Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) is held in both tacit and explicit form, making it especially difficult to study and map during instruction. This study investigates the tacit and explicit nature of MKT held by pre service teachers in a Malaysian Teacher Education Program and how it impacts the Mathematical Quality of their instruction (MQI). This study of three mathematics pre-service teachers (PSTs), utilised videos of mathematics lessons, reflective debriefs and interviews. The findings suggest that factors such as reflecting, peer-sharing, conferencing with mentors and observing support in making tacit knowledge more explicit during planning and instruction. Implications for preparation of mathematics teachers capable of high Mathematical Quality of Instruction are also discussed.


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