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Type :thesis
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Nagalaxmy Markandan
Title :The implementation of reformed primary science curriculum in Jempol and Jelebu district (IR)
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2017
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aimed to analyze the implementation of reformed primary science curriculum in Jempol and Jelebu District, and to determine the relationship between the implementation of level I science curriculum and the teachers’ understanding. A mixed method approach was used. Quantitative data were collected through questionnaire from 127 science teachers, meanwhile the qualitative data collected through interviews, classroom observations and document analysis. The quantitative data were analyzed through SPSS, while the interview data were analyzed using ATLAS.ti. The findings show there is a significant positive relationship between the teachers’ understanding and the translation of science curriculum into the lesson plan. A significant positive relationship is also found between the teachers’ understanding and the strategies used in teaching science. There is also a positive relationship between the teachers’ understanding and the assessment methods carried out in the classroom. Nevertheless, insufficient of time in completing the learning standard and insufficient apparatus have become issues and challenges due to less understanding of the content of level I science curriculum. In conclusion, there is a positive relationship between all studied aspects of teachers’ understanding towards the reformed primary science curriculum and its implementation. In implication, the study indicates that there is a need in professional development trainings for teachers who are teaching level I science in order to maximize curriculum implementation at the classroom level.


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