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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study was aimed to discover the historical background of the Malaysian Tamil
folk songs, to analyse the trauma and to evaluate the impacts of the trauma experienced by the
Tamil labourers during the British colonisation in Malaya as reflected in the Malaysian Tamil folk
songs. Qualitative approaches with historical, descriptive and explanatory designs were used for
this study. A total of 146 Malaysian Tamil folk songs that met the research objectives were
analysed. Historical trauma theory and thematic analysis were used to collect information from the
folk songs. Data were analysed using narrative and discourse analysis. Narrative analysis describes
the content of the folk songs while discourse analysis explains the usage of terms and words used
in the folk songs that can be related to the emotions and trauma. The findings showed that physical
abuse, economic destruction and segregation were the significant traumas experienced by the Tamil
labourers during the British colonisation. The result also showed that physical, social and
psychological impacts affected the Tamil labourers significantly. As a conclusion, Malaysian Tamil
folk songs exposed the suffering, frustration and the shattered hopes of the Tamil labourers during
the British colonisation. The study implicates that the Malaysian Tamil folk songs serve as a
historical documentation of the Tamil labourers in Malaya during the
British colonisation.
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