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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Referring to digital entertainment games, digital game-based learning (DGBL) has been evolved in several ways such as by integrating avatar to assist the students to learn on their own. However, what type of avatar would be preferred by the learners in DGBL? There were dearth studies conducted on how the realism level of an avatar in DGBL would influence the emotions of a learner since emotions experienced during a learning process provide clues to the process of learning. Likewise, there are fewer studies in identifying the relationship between level of realism with different elements of emotions (valence and arousal) and aspect of motivation. Hence, based on theories, principles and literature overview, a conceptual framework was outlined. This framework illustrates the emotion as the potential mediating effects between realism level of an avatar and motivation of a learner in the game. |
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