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Type :article
Subject :L Education
Main Author :Rafiduraida Abdul Rahman
Additional Authors :Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa
Hariyaty Ab Wahid
Nek Kamal Yeop Yunus
Title :Exploring the factors affecting quality of work life among Millennial Academic Staff in Malaysian Public Universities
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The article aims to explore factors that affects the quality of work life (QWL) among millennial academic staff in Malaysian public universities. Qualitative approach using semi-structured interview was conducted on ten millennial academic staff from four public universities in Malaysia to provide an in-depth explanation on the important factors that affect their QWL. The data were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings identified that factors such as heavy workload, inadequate facilities, lack of advanced technology, leaders that provide less care on welfare, as well as students’ issue could affect the ability of the millenial academics to achieve a good QWL. On the other hand, other factors such as flexibility, supportive colleagues and job security help to ease their working life, hence, making their job more meaningful. The present study generates a deeper understanding of the QWL factors specific to the academics from millennial generation, thus indicating the importance of recognizing generational differences in QWL. The implication of this study is expected to facilitate the design and implementation of appropriate strategies to decrease the academics’ work stress, increase their job satisfaction and overall QWL.


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