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Type :article
Subject :H Social Sciences
Main Author :Tai, Mei Kin
Additional Authors :Omar Abdull Kareem
Arsalan Mujahid Ghouri
Title :Competency of School Principals in Managing Change in Malaysian Secondary Schools: Teachers Perspective
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Full Text :The author has requested the full text of this item to be restricted.

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The increasing demands for school reform continuously challenge the roles of school leaders as change agents in the process of school change. Today, school leadership is not task driven per se but emotionally compelling. The aim of the study was to identify the level of competency in managing change (CIMC) of school principals in Malaysian secondary schools. Analysis of the survey was performed based on the data of 901 teachers. The findings revealed that, i) school principals were rated as Quite Good in CIMC; ii) in terms of dimensions, school principals were reported Quite Good both in Technical and Non-technical Competency; iii) in terms of sub-dimensions of CIMC, the school principals were rated as Good in Goal Framing, Institutionalizing, Emotional Utilization and Emotional Regulation but Quite Good in Capacity Building, Defusing Resistance and Conflicts, Emotional Perceiving and Expressing as well as Emotional Understanding; and iv) among all the sub-dimensions of CIMC, the school principals obtained the highest mean score in Goal Framing and achieved the lowest mean score in Defusing Resistance and Conflicts. The study offers the Ministry of Education, local practitioners and relevant parties another dimension of enhancing and enlarging school principals’ capacity for change.    


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