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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
In a study of module development, need analysis should be carried out in order to ensure the module developed will be able to fulfil consumers’ needs. Therefore, this study is a part of need analysis study in a research of developing pedagogy module of active learning based on 4Cs skills for Number and Basic Operation in Mathematics (PA4K Module). The 4Cs skills are consist of critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. This study was carried out to identify students’ interest toward learning activities based on 4Cs skills in mathematics classroom. 70 of Year Three pupils were involved in this study and they have responded to the questionnaire provided. The findings show in average that pupils agreed at high level to the items related to critical thinking (Mean = 4.38) very high level of interest toward communication (Mean = 4.59), collaboration (Mean = 4.63) and creativity (Mean = 4.51). According to the findings, it is necessary to develop the module where it is useful to be used by teachers as reference and guidance in enhancing teaching practice which is effective for fostering 4Cs skills among the pupils. |
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