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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to develop the Thinking-Based Learning (TBL) module for learning secondary school Algebra. This study uses the developmental model design and the TBL module is designed using the combination of ADDIE Model and Kemp Model. It is conducted in five phases: (1) Analysis (2) Design of TBL Module, (3) Development of TBL Module (4) Implementation, and (5) Assessment of TBL Module. The research instruments are the Content Validity Form and Module Reliability Survey. The validity of the module is validated by three experts in the field of mathematics education. Sample of the study in the evaluation phase consisted of the pre-service secondary school mathematics teachers which are selected using random sampling technique.The findings showed that the content validity and the reliability indices for the TBL module are at a satisfactory level.Significantly, the TBL module is able to provide guidance to all secondary school mathematics teachers in customary teaching practices for the inculcation of higher level thinking, thus generating knowledgeable generation and a good problem solver for the present and future challenges. |
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