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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of this research is to investigate the e?ciency of ex-plicit diagonally implicit multi-stage integration methods with ex-trapolation. The author gave detailed explanation of explicit di-agonally implicit multi-stage integration method and compared thebase method with a technique known as extrapolation to improvethe e?ciency. Extrapolation for symmetric Runge-Kutta method isproven to improve the accuracy since with extrapolation the solu-tions exhibit asymptotic error expansion, however for General linearmethods, it is not known whether extrapolation can improve the ef-?ciency or not. Therefore this research focuses on the numericalexperimental results of the explicit diagonally implicit multistageintegration with and without extrapolation for solving some ordi-nary di?erential equations. The numerical results showed that thebase method with extrapolation is more e?cient than the methodwithout extrapolation
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