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The Sultan Azlan Shah Campus (KSAS) of UniversitiPendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), TanjongMalim, Perak, Malaysia, located at the foot of the Titiwangsa mountain range, has preserved a wide variety of tree species. Here we aim to identify the importance value index of the flora found on this campus. This study used a strip transect method with three transects of 300 m and 15 subplots of 4,500 m2. The study recorded 868 individual trees from 13 families, 23 genera, and 53 species. The highest importance value index at the family level was found to be the Myrtaceae (53.46%), at the genus level it was Syzygium (44.46%), and at the species level, it was Ploiariumalternifolium (24.23%). The study found that the secondary forest in the KSAS green belt is composed of indigenous species, as well as the species Ploiariumalternofolium, registered in the IUCN Red List. Therefore, the preservation and conservation of this green belt should continue in order to maintain this secondary forest as an academic resource and reservoir of biological diversity in the future.
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