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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The advancement of technology has undoubtedly brought rapid changes and catalysed developments in different aspects of human life, including education.Technological advances have led to the diversification of teaching and learning tools as well as educational materials which allows learning to take place in a borderless world of shared resources. This resulted in significant changes in the roles of educators and practitioners in the classroom. Thus, exciting transformations in education should be embraced and further explored, especially in language teaching and learning because language is an essential part of communication. Language has also become an important requirement for employment and is deemed as a key success factor in life. In this light, this paper aims to explore the effectiveness of e-Al-Munawwar website as a cybergogical tool to support the teaching & learning of Arabic language and improving students’ proficiency. To measure the effective use of these tools, this study conducted a quasi experiment which involved 60 students enrolled in the elementary Arabic language course at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Moroever, descriptive quantitative analysis, through the IBM SPSS statistical software, was employed to analyse the data collected. The results show that the adoption of technological tools has a positive impact as it increases students’ motivation to learn Arabic. Pre-test and post-test were also implemented to measure the effectiveness of e-Almunawwar portal in terms of increasing students’ achievement in language learning.
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