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Type :thesis
Subject :QA Mathematics
Main Author :Salih, Mahmood Maher
Title :Fuzzy decision by opinion score method (FDOSM):design and development of new multi criteria decision making method
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The purpose of this research was to design and develop a new multi-criteria decision- making (MCDM)  method called Fuzzy Decision by Opinion Score Method (FDOSM) to  help  overcome  the  problems  of   MCDM  methods  based  on  the  idea  of  an  ideal solution This research used an experimental  research design with which FDOSM was applied  to  individual  and  group  contexts.  Essentially,   FDOSM  contains  three  main blocks, namely the input data block, data transfer block, and data  processing block. For the data processing block, three sets of experiments were carried out to  optimize the parameters  of the  proposed  method.  The  first  experiment  dealt  with  three   different configurations,   namely   Direct   aggregation,   Compromise   Rank,   and   Distance  measurement, of a single decision maker. Direct aggregation with arithmetic mean is the   main    configuration   recommended   for   comparing   the   results   of   different experiments.   However,  if  the  maximum  utility  is  important  to  the  decision  maker, compromise  ranking   would  be  the  proper  configuration.  The  second  experiment focused  on  the  process  of   Group  Fuzzy  Decision  by  Opinion  Score  Method  (G- FDOSM) with two different configurations,  namely internal and external aggregation. The main finding of G-FDOSM experiment showed the results  of internal and external configurations were close, with the ratio of the closeness of the  experimental results of G-FDOSM  with  90  alternatives  being  71.02%.  However,  external   aggregation  was deemed  more  appropriate  for  compromise  ranking.  The  third  experiment   involved several different case studies to examine the suitability of FDOSM in solving different  MCDM problems. The results showed that, compared to the ideal solution, the best player (P16)  achieved a ratio of 58.3% from the ideal solution, which was considered to be the best ratio among  other players for the sports science case study. For the GPS case study, experimental results  showed the best solution was m8 with a ratio of 67% from the ideal solution. Overall, the results  of FDOSM and G-FDOSM were close to the human’s opinions, suggesting that arithmetic mean is the  most suitable aggregation operator for all the experiments and FDOSM can adopt different fuzzy  membership. Furthermore,  reference  comparison  used  with  FDOSM  can  be  implemented  more  efficiently compared to the use of the pairwise comparison of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and  the Best-Worst Method. In conclusion,  the proposed FDOSM had been successfully modulated  mathematically, tested with different numerical examples, and compared to other MCDM methods.  


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