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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The aims of the study was to examine the relationship between the Green Supply Chain
Management (GSCM) and Environmental Performance (EP) based on the six Kumpulan Perubatan Johor
(KPJ) specialist hospital in Selangor. A quantitative approach used. Data from 132
respondents from professional management were collected questionaires. Data were analyzed
using descriptive analysis technique, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression
analysis. The results showed all GSCM practices were significantly relate to EP. This research
found that there was a strong correlation between GM and EP factor (r=0.519, p=0.000), the second
highest among GP and EP factor (r=0.516, p=0.000), then ED and EP (r=0.497, p=0.000),
followed by the factor between RL and EP (r=0.479, p=0.000), and finally the factor between GD and
EP (r=0.404, p=0.000). As a conclusion, the study showed all five independent variables of GSCM
have increased the EP. The implications of the study indicated that GSCM practice can improve the
EP in order to ensure that the success
of the environment through the industry can be successfully pursued.
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