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Type :article
Subject :L Education
Main Author :Emilda Hashim
Additional Authors :Norimah Rambeli@ Ramli
Maryam Mahdinezhad
Asmawi Hashim
Norasibah Abdul Jalil
Title :\'Push-Pull\' model of lifelong learning in Perak and Selangor
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Adapting to the needs of students, working adult learners at local, public and private, universities in Malaysia enjoy greater autonomy in pursuing their education. Therefore, this study aims to identify ‘push-pull’ factors that determine working adult learners' choice to pursue their studies. Additionally, this study also figures out the relationship between ‘push-pull’ factors in motivating students to further their academic studies. 200 questionnaires were distributed to working adult students pursuing part-time programs in public and private universities around Selangor and Perak. The ‘push-pull’ model was used in this study to identify which factors were the most influential in determining adult students enrolling in the study. Multiple regression analysis will also be used in this study to see the relationship between push-pull model and the tendency of students to choose to pursue their studies. For these purposes, statistical and econometrics analyses were used in this study. The results claimed that both push and pull factors were considered to be important when making decision to return to learning environment among working adults. Education and human resource development are closely intertwined and key to increase national competitiveness and enhance the country's economy


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