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Type :article
Subject :HB Economic Theory
Main Author :Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman
Additional Authors :Kevin John Downing
Lulut Indrianingrum
Title :Layout Tambaklorok Fisherman village of low-income housing: a case study of the Central Java, Indonesia
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Teknikal dan Vokasional
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Full Text :Login required to access this item.

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Puddles are a common sight in the coastal fisherman villages located near the Java Sea. . One of these villages is Tambaklorok locatedin Semarang, Central Java. The village is in a slum area and is mostly populated by underprivileged people in Semarang with low quality of housing conditions. This paper identifies how the people of these fishing villages build their house on a low income. The research used a qualitative approach togain an in-depth discussion regarding the housing structure. The research relied on a series of interviews and field observations. It was determined that interviews could give a deeper insight into the housing structure. For this reason, interviewees were carefully chosen from the Tambaklorok population. The 11 heads of family that were involved in the interview process, were categorized as poor families with poor housing conditions. The house foundations, material of roof, walls, floors, and latrines were all included in the analysis. The result shows that the average size of the house is 30 m2, using conventional stone foundation, asbestos roof, unrefined bricks wall and contained bare earthen floors which were sometimes inundated by tidal floods. In addition, it was found that room height was 2.5 m and there was no toilet in the house. Most of families were using landfill or sand sacks to elevate the housing floor and used stilts structure. To overcome these matters,the government provided the public toilet and bath upgraded the infrastructure of the shipyard and road in order to bring up the better economic development wealth for the Tambaklorok fisherman village.


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