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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This research aimed to modify and examine the role of new graphene-compatible
surfactants and the mechanism in the stabilisation of graphene incorporated into
biopolymer matrix namely natural rubber latex (NRL) and cellulose for the
preparation of conductive nanocomposites. The surfactants were systematically
designed and synthesised to have enhanced compatibility with graphene as compared to commercially
available common surfactants. The modifications are centred on variation of surfactant
chain degree as well as aromatic numbers on surfactant tail, aromatisation on surfactant
headgroup, ion exchange of hydrophilic headgroup, and metal incorporation on surfactant
headgroup. The graphene-compatible surfactants have been investigated by a range of
techniques including proton nuclear magnetic resonance (¹H NMR) spectroscopy, air – water
(a/w) surface tension measurement, and zeta potential measurement. The performance of the
synthesised surfactants for the dispersion of graphene in biopolymer was studied by field
emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), high-resolution transmission electron
microscopy (HRTEM), Raman spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The electrical
conductivities of the nanocomposites were also measured using four point probe
measurement. The aggregated structures of surfactants in aqueous phase and in graphene
dispersion were examined using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) analysis. Research
finding showed that aromatisation is a crucial factor influencing surfactant compatibility with
graphene surfaces where the intensity is enhanced with increasing the number of aromatic
groups on surfactant molecular structure. The synthesised surfactants exhibit more uniform
dispersion of graphene compared to commercial surfactants used in this study. The
highest electrical conductivity achieved for nanocomposite with NRL was 1.08 x 10?² S cm?¹
while for cellulose was
2.71 x 10?? S cm?¹. Analysis using SANS showed that the most efficient surfactants for both
nanocomposites exhibited micelle shape similar with graphene which are stacked-disk and
layered structure. In conclusion, the presence of higher aromatic groups in the
surfactant structure gives rise to relative graphene-compatibility and thus the
nanocomposites final properties. In implication, the results obtained are beneficial for
the development efficient surfactants for carbon nanomaterial and low-
dimensional nanomaterial based technology.
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