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Type :thesis
Subject :QP Physiology
Main Author :Hasnor Izzati Che Razali
Title :Development of fish scale-collagen cream (CoC) from water-in-virgin coconut oil emulsion medium for topical application
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aimed to develop and characterise the fish scale-collagen cream (CoC) for topical application. Hydrolysed collagen (HC) was extracted from Tilapia fish scales using a  combination of hydrothermal extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis. This   HC (molecular weight, Mw ≈  1 kDa) was incorporated in water-in-oil (w/o) emulsion of Span 60:Tween 60/water/virgin coconut oil  (VCO) system at water volume fractions (φw) of 0.74, 0.83, and 0.94 via high shear homogenisation  technique. The developed CoC were then characterised by optical polarising microscope (OPM), field  emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), particle size analyser, differential scanning  calorimetry (DSC), and rheometer. Up to 20 wt% HC has been successfully loaded in all emulsion  systems  and  the optimum loading  achieved  at HC  content  as low as  5 wt%. The best CoC system  with great physical characteristic, fine texture  (305 nm) and  uniformly  disperse  in  VCO  phase   was  produced  by  emulsion  at  the  lowest  φw (0.94).  The  developed  CoC  has  been  found   to  be  thermally  stable  with  Tc  and  Tm range between -20 to -30 ? and 10 to 20 ?,  respectively. The rheological properties of  CoC  demonstrated  shear  thinning  behaviour and   thus  greatly  meet  the  needs  of topical  applications.  The  permeation  study  of  ex  vivo   rat  skin  showed  that   HC  in emulsion  droplets  (CoC  system)  easily  pass  through  the   skin.  Cytotoxicity  study through in vitro fibroblast cells and in vivo toxicity to the mice  showed that  HC at 25 and 50 mg/kg body weight did not give chronic toxic to the mice. In  conclusion, CoC from water-in-VCO emulsion system was succesfully developed. As an implication, the developed CoC is potentially used as a carrier for  HC in topical application.  


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