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Type :thesis
Subject :QL Zoology
Main Author :Komathi Sockalingam
Title :Allergenicity determination of thermal and non-thermal treatments on Macrobrachium Rosenbergii
Hits :618
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2018
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Full Text :You have no permission to view this item.

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This   study   aimed   to   determine   the   allergenicity   of   thermal   and   non-thermal  Macrobrachium   rosenbergii   (giant   river   prawn)   treated   extracts.   This   study   used  experimental design.  Untreated and treated protein extracts were prepared from the prawn flesh.  Prior extraction of the treated prawns, the prawn flesh were treated with thermal, non-thermal and  combination of both treatments. The prawn proteins were then analyzed using   sodium   dodecyl    sulfate-polyacrylamide   gel   electrophoresis   (SDS-PAGE)   to determine their protein profiling.  Allergenic proteins were detected by immunoblotting test using sera from 30 prawn-allergic patients  from Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The untreated prawns contained 27 protein fractions between 6  to 207  kDa, while the thermal-treated prawns have lesser protein bands. The major allergens were detected  at 72, 65, 48, 38, 36, and  30  kDa.  Among  thermal-treated  prawns,  steamed  and  boiled   elicited  more  protein bands compared to fried prawns. Meanwhile, among non-thermal treated  prawns, salted and  freeze-treated  prawns  showed  identical  protein  profiling  and   allergenicity  with  the untreated prawn. While, vinegar-treated prawn showed less protein bands  than raw prawn with five prominent bands at 36, 30, 20, 17 and 13 kDa. Most of the protein bands in  the combined of thermal and non-thermal treated prawn extracts were disappeared. Salt boiled  extract showed bands at 36, 20 and 17 kDa, while in vinegar and boiled extract, no protein bands  were observed. The vinegar-boiled treatment showed the least allergenic bands as compared to the  other treatments in immunoblotting test. As a conclusion, this study has successfully indicated  that the combination of thermal and non-thermal treatments are the best methods to reduce the  allergenicity of M. rosenbergii. The implication of this study warrants  the  development  of   effective  diagnosis  and  management  strategies  of  prawn allergy worldwide.  


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