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Type :thesis
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Rosdy Wahid
Title :Development and validation of a new teaching framework for teacher educators in Malaysian higher teacher education institutions
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aimed to develop and validate a new teaching framework for teacher educators in Malaysia  using an exploratory mixed-method study design. A qualitative phase involved document  analysis  of   theories,  principles  and  policies  underlies  teaching  framework  of selected  teacher   education  institutions  and  interviews  with  10  stakeholders  namely  two policy makers, two  teacher educators, four teacher mentors and two Ministry of Education personnel in Malaysia. In  this phase, six constructs or factors emerged, namely (i) Intellectual Excitement  (IE);  (ii)   Quality  Learning  Spaces,  Resources  and  Technology  (QL);  (iii) Constructive Alignment (CA);  (iv) International and Cultural Diversity (IC); (v) Climate of Inquiry and Critical Reflection  (CR); and (vi) Good Values, Attitudes and Behaviour (GV). In a quantitative phase, a 67-item  questionnaire was developed based on the themes under each construct and administered to 248  teachers using the stratified random sampling. The analysis  using  Exploratory  Factor  Analysis   retained the  six  factors  which  were  clustered thematically  to  14  sub-constructs  according   to  the  factor  loading.  This  14  sub-construct questionnaire  was  again  administered  to  to   a  different  set  of  458  teachers  in  the  high- performance schools selected using the  stratified random sampling method. Analysis using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) by means of  Measurement Model with the goodness- of-fit  value  (GFI≥0.90),  Construct  Reliability  value   (CR≥0.6)  and  Average  Variance Extracted value (AVE≥0.5) further confirmed the six factors,  retaining the 14 sub-constructs which constituted the Teaching Framework for Teacher Educators  (MyTF@TE). A closer inspection  of  MyTF@TE  indicated  that  the  first  four  sub-constructs   (group  discussion, critical thinking, evaluating peer’s work and knowledge transfer) were derived  from IE, three sub-constructs (learning resources, physical setting, and technology integration)  from QL, two sub-constructs (learning outcome and theory to practice) from CA,  two sub-constructs  (global  connection  and  embracing  culture  diversity)  from  IC,  and  two  sub-constructs  (welcoming ideas and improving practices) from CR. Meanwhile, GV stood alone as the sub-construct.  As a conclusion, Teacher Framework for Teacher Educators (MyTF@TE) based on the 14 factors was  validated through the EFA and further confirmed through the CFA. The implication of the findings is  that the factors embodied in a visual guideline may isting and uplifting the quality of teacher  educators across the Malaysian Higher Teacher Education institutions.  


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