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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This aim of this study is to evaluate a digital learning module, called i-Think module (Mi-T1), whether it can help or not in improving students’ higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in learning Algebraic Expressions. This study was based on the quasi experimental approach using the control group pre-test post-test design. The study sample consisted of two intact classes of form-one students (mean age of 13 years old), which were assigned into an experimental (n = 37) group and control (n =35). Learning sessions to solve higher-order thinking skills problems were carried out for 3 hours spanning 4 weeks, in which the experimental group and control group used the digital and printed learning modules, respectively. In addition, a survey was administered to the experimental group to measure the participants’ perceived usefulness of digital learning module. The analysis of independent sample t-test showed that the experimental group had significantly improved in their higher-order thinking skills compared to the control group. The survey data also indicated that the participants in the experimental group perceived the usefulness of the digital learning module to be equally high. Premised on these findings, the digital learning module, Mi-T1 can be used to help improve the current teaching and learning on the Algebraic Expressions topic |
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