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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Thisstudy wascarried out to prepareepoxy/ natural hydroxyapatite composite for potential biomedical application. Natura hydroxyapatite (nHAp) powder was extracted fromTilapia fishscales via the thermal method. Thenatural hydroxyapatite wasmilled for48 hoursanddriedby spraymethod.
The nHAp particle size wasdetermined using mastersizer 2000 particlesizeanalyser and the chemical structurewas confirmed using XRD) and FTIR analysis.The particle sizeof nHAp wasidentifiedto bebetween1 and 10microns. Mechanicalpropertiesof epoxy/ naturalhydroxyapatitewereinvestigated by using impactand flexunral test. The highest flexural strength ofepoxy/nHAp composite was recorded when the nHAp filler was10 wt%which is 77%incrementascomparedtoepoxyalone.Theimpactstrength
was increased up to two-fold as compared to neat epoxy.The scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and EDX analysis showed uniform dispersion of nHAp particles within the epoxy matrix for the composites with 10 wt% filler loading |
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