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Type :thesis
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Nur Farhana Taufik
Title :Implementing task-based learning to improve ESL learners speaking skills in a primary DLP science classroom
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This  study  aimed  to  investigate  the  implementation  of  the  task-based  learning approach   (TBL)  in  improving  ESL  students’  speaking  skills  in  a  primary  Dual Language  Programme   (DLP)  Science  classroom.  This  study also  intended  to  obtain the  DLP  Science  teacher’s   views  regarding  the  implementation  of  the  task-based learning approach for teaching Science  in the English language. The mixed-methods approach combining the quasi-experimental design and  semi-structured interview was used. 65 Year Three students from two schools in Kuala Lumpur were  chosen using the purposive sampling method. 35 participants from one school were chosen as the  experimental  group,  and  30  participants  from  another  school  were  chosen  as  the control  group. Two Science teachers and two English teachers teaching in the DLP programmes  in  the  two   schools  also  participated  in  the  study.  Three  methods  were employed to collect the data  which were the pre- and post-test, classroom observation, and  semi-structured  interview.   Quantitative  data  were  analyzed  using  descriptive analysis,  while  the  qualitative  data   were  analyzed  using  thematic  analysis.  The findings  showed  a  significant  difference  in   the  speaking  test  scores  between  the experimental group (M = 20.31, SD = 4.44) and the control  group (M = 16.30, SD = 4.11). The results also showed an increment in the number of students’  responses and utterances  in  the  experimental  group  over  the  course  of  the  treatment   period.  The experimental group teacher also perceived the TBL approach as helpful to students in  becoming more confident to speak in the classroom. In conclusion, the TBL approach has an effect in  improving the students’ speaking skills in the DLP Science classroom. This  approach  has  the   potential  as  a  viable  teaching  approach  for  the  teaching  of content   subjects   in   the    English   language   in   schools   implementing   the   DLP programme.  


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