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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study investigates the effects of schemata in enhancing critical thinking skills during
Problem based learning task. This is because many educated students are not capable to
"think out of the box". In addition, they are also not able to use their critical thinking in
writing and speaking. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate whether
ESL learners' content schemata and formal schemata enhance their critical thinking skills
such as identifying problems, causes, effects and suggesting solutions during Problem
based learning. Purposive sampling was conducted on a group of 6 respondents from
Form 2 in a rural secondary school, in Perak. This research is an ethnographic research
using the Vignettes technique. Hence, the research instruments include the interview,
writing task, and reading comprehension test. Data was analyzed using constant
comparison method. The findings of this research revealed that, both content schemata
and formal schemata enhanced ESL learners' critical thinking during Problem based
learning task. Thus, both content schemata and formal is a necessary skill to enhance
students' critical thinking during Problem based learning task. |
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