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The study seeks to investigate the effect of outdoor education camp toward
group cohesion on the second year undergraduate teacher trainees from
selected Teacher Education Institutes of Malaysia. It also examines the socio-
demographic influences and sequence of activity that encourage group
cohesion improvement. The study also attempts to shed light upon the delayed
effect after two months completion of the camp. A pre-test and posttest
approach with non-equivalent control group was utilised among 350
second year undergraduate students from four selected Teacher Education
Institutes of Malaysia. Meanwhile, there is no control group used for the delayed
post-test. A modified version of Group Environment Questionnaire
(GEQ) and open ended questionnaire were used to gather data from pre,
post and delayed post-test. Results from MANCOVA procedures suggested
that the camp had positively improved the experimental group's group cohesion.
Previous experience, place of residence, gender and camp location
were found to have significant influence on the improvement of group cohesion.
However, the study also revealed that this gain diminished over the
two month period as measured by the delayed post-test. Responses from
teacher trainees found that sequence of activity from low to high risk activity
is the appropriate and influenced students' group cohesion improvement.
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