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Type :article
Subject :L Education (General)
Main Author :Noornajihan Jaafar
Additional Authors :Nurul Asia Fasehah Muhamad
Ab. Halim Tamuri
Nur Hanani Hussin
Title :The significant correlation between self-efficacy and goal orientation with the role of Islamic education teachers as a society change agent
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The role of Islamic education teacher (IET) as society change agent (SCA) requires a strong internal motivation factor. It begins with confidence in self-ability, which is self-efficacy (SE) in implementing the trust given to them. In addition, goal orientation (GO) is also important in ensuring that the effort is successful. The study aims to assess the relationship between SE and GO of IET in Malaysia with the role of SCA in society. This study aims to assess the relationship between SE ITE in Malaysia with the role of SCA in society. This quantitative study has involved 1382 IETs in Malaysia. The sampling technique used was cluster sampling and based on random sample selection. The findings show that the SE level of ITE is at high level. Same goes to the GO, the perception of IET toward their GO is in good level. But the role of IET as SCA is at less satisfactory level. Furthermore, SE and GO have been identified to have significant correlation with IET's role as SCA but was at low and weak level. The implication is, the study finds that the focus should be on restoring IET's mindset about the community's work and developing the ummah, as well as the 21st century teaching and learning (T&L) skills. In fact, IET needs to be given practical exposure to engage in society through NGOs, surau, mosques, da'wah organization and government agencies.


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