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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The objectives of this study were to design and develop visualised worked examples for introductory
programming at tertiary level, evaluate their effectiveness compared to subgoal labelled worked
examples, explore students’ engagements with visualised worked examples, and explore students’
preferences and perceptions of the two types of worked examples. Quasi-experiment was conducted
with 87, 79, and 78 students in three sessions in an introductory programming course in a
foundation programme at a university in Selangor. Test data were collected and analysed
using analysis of covariance and chi square tests. Students’ engagements with visualised
worked examples were observed and analysed qualitatively. Another intervention was
conducted with 38 students in undergraduate programmes from the same university, who were
presented both types of worked examples. Questionnaire data were collected and analysed
quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings of this study showed no significant
differences in effectiveness for knowledge and skill development but, for
programming language and patterns knowledge development, pattern applications were
significantly associated with type of worked examples (χ²(2)
= 16.48, p < .001; χ²(2) = 11.18, p = .004; χ²(1) = 5.07, p = .024). Also, students were
engaged with visualised worked examples. Additionally, 73.7% of the students preferred
visualised worked examples and students perceived that visualised worked examples supported their
understanding in various aspects. The conclusion was that visualised worked examples were able to
significantly reduce the likelihood of wrong or omitted program statements in students’ pattern
applications. Also, students were engaged with visualised worked examples behaviourally,
and by implication, cognitively. In addition, visualised worked examples were preferred by
more students with positive perceptions. The implications were that this study extended research on
worked example design, employing concepts of attention cueing and learner control, for programming
education and provided empirical evidence of worked examples
usage for programming education practice.
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