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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
In this paper, we present the distribution of some maximal eigenvalues that are obtained numerically from the discrete Dirichlet Boundary Domain Integro-Dierential Equation (BDIDE) operator. We also discuss the convergence of the discrete Dirichlet BDIDE that corresponds with the obtained absolute value of the largest eigenvalues of the discrete BDIDE operator. There are three test domains that are considered in this paper, i.e., a square, a circle, and a parallelogram. In our numerical test, the eigenvalues disperse as the power of the variable coecient increases. Not only that, we also note that the dispersion of the eigenvalues corresponds with the characteristic size of the test domains. It enables us to predict the convergence of an iterative method. This is an advantage as it enables the use of an iterative method in solving Dirichlet BDIDE as an alternative to the direct methods
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