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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This research aimed to develop and examine the effects of a simulation board game for learning
shipping management in two higher education institutions. A provisional board game design framework
was proposed by referring to the game-based learning literature. Based on the framework, an
instance of shipping management board game was developed, standing on the discreet event
simulation of a realistic shipping process and activity. The framework was converted into
game mechanics for constructing the gameplay by applying a transparent process of gameplay,
while enforcing face-to-face interaction among players. The design of the board game was validated
by 27 experts through a playtesting session; and the effects of the board game usage was examined
through a non-equivalent control group pre-test/post-test quasi-experiment. Edumetric tests
were administered to measure the effects of the board game in two locations involving
67 participants from Institution A and 74 participants from Institution B. Ten sessions
of intervention were given to the experimental group in both institutions within ten weeks. The
results of parametric statistical tests indicated that the effect of cognition was statistically
significant with F(1,65) = 147.13, p=.000 (p |
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