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Type :article
Subject :H Social Sciences (General)
Main Author :Khairul Azam Bahari
Additional Authors :Samsudin Suhaili
Norliza Jamaluddin
Kalsum Umar
Zulkarnin Zakaria
Title :Ethnic acceptance issues amongst Sabah and Sarawak ethnic groups at Sultan Idris Education University
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Students enrolment toUPSIbring alongdifferences in various background aspects which includeethnic-related issues andpublic acceptancetowards such differences. These differences could create a few unintended problems such as discrimination, isolation, stereotypingandethnic conflictthat could threatthe nationalunityas it could alsodirectly affect students’ academicperformance.Currentresearchon multicultural problems in public universityhad not explored the issue seriouslyandmanymainlyfocused onmajorethnic groups in the country – Malay, Chineseand Indian. Meanwhile the study on other ethnic groups from Sabah and Sarawak in public universities has not received enough attention. Thus, this study was conducted to examine issues in relation to the acceptance ofotherethnicgroups from Sabah and Sarawak among the undergraduates of UPSI. This studyapplied the mixedmethodologyofqualitativeandquantitative approach. Data was collected using survey, interview, Delphi survey and simulation. Findings showed that there are many loopholes that need to be fixed by the management of UPSI in helping the students community understand the diversityofotherethnicgroups originating from Sabah and Sarawak. Theuniversitymust take the initiative to develop a mechanism that would help expose the campus community to embrace inter-culturalcommunication in a positive way. The study also found the need to reduce prejudice, stereotyping and discriminative attitude towards the ethnic groups from Sabah and Sarawak.


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