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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Western Influences in Contemporary Malaysian Sculpture is an issue that is often dealt with through
the ages. However, there has never been any scientific study undertaken in regard to the
historical development of sculpture in Malaysia. Recognizing this neglect, the study was
conducted to document the influence of the West in the fabrication of local sculpture.
However, the focus is strictly on sculptures that are made of metal from the 1960s to
the year 2010. The objective of this study, aims to explicate the style, form, iconography, and
content. This connection involves questions of influence, culture, similarities, distinctions,
identities and manifestations of local sculptors. In order to make this study a reality,
researcher has combined the theory of Iconology by Erwin Panofsky and the concept of knowledge
by al-Imam al-Ghazzali. The study was conducted using the three stages of analysis
(pre-iconographical description, analysis, and iconological interpretation) where the
approach of Islamic understanding is taken into account. Findings conclude that the
earlier artists were vulnerable to Western influences in terms of form,
style, and technique. Comparatively, more recent sculptors are more influenced in
terms of style and technique. In addition, factors of iconography and content were localized,
triggered by cultural situations, issues, and goals. Discovered there as well, the
concept of influences was short-lived and was not focused on any specific Western artist by
each individual of the local artists. There are no works which indicate dependencies in
maintaining the same form of their works afterward. It was seen as an entity that is
inconsistent and changeable depending on different situations. The resulting works can also be
built from the combination of the influence of several Western artists. The study also
showed that artists are more affected when they start working from an early stage, and developed
his talent on the experience factor. The study also showed that the pioneer artists are
more influenced, especially in the construction of their early work. Factors of
experience and skills upgrade later developed their talent. In all characteristics of
independent variables, involving style, form and meaning have assimilated the local and
Western traditions, making Malaysia as a platform of integration. Artists of all races
consider the uniformity of form and style, which tends toward Islamic values in their
sculptural works as manifestations of cultural integration. This situation also
realizes the continuation of national political policies. These findings are significant as a
visual verification by image comparisons.
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