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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study examined the effects of watching subtitled English movies on vocabulary
learning. Fifty-four students from a Community College who participated in the study were
randomly assigned to experimental and control groups with 28 and 26
participants respectively. Both groups were presented with the same English movies but the
control group watched the movies without subtitles, while the experimental group watched
the movies with subtitles for three consecutive weeks. The participants completed the Vocabulary
Knowledge Scale (VKS) pre-test, post-test and delayed test, as well as questionnaire. Results
from t-tests (pretest: t (52) = -1.233, p = 0.223, post-test: t (52) = 1.717, p = 0.094) revealed
that both groups progressed significantly from pre-test to post-test. The findings revealed that
with or without the appearance of subtitles, the participants in both groups managed to
improve their vocabulary learning. T-test results for delayed test mean scores shows a
significant difference between the experimental and control groups; t (52) = 4.032 p = 0.000 which
shows that the participants in the experimental group remember more words than the control group.
This shows that the use of subtitles helps participants to retain the words longer.
The questionnaire analysis revealed that the respondents were favorable towards the use
of subtitles in the movies. It can be concluded that using English subtitled movies can
help improve students’ performance in vocabulary learning and retention. This study implicates
that English language teachers should consider the use of English subtitled movies as a
pedagogical resource to enhance vocabulary
learning among their students.
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