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Type :thesis
Subject :QR Microbiology
Main Author :AbdulRaheem, Mustafa Nasrat
Title :Identification of heat resistance proteins and allergenic characterization in Mud Crab (Scylla paramamosain)
Hits :460
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This  study  aimed  to  determine  the  protein  profiles  and  allergenic  characteristics  in different body parts and genders of Scylla paramamosain. Raw and boiled extracts of a mix  and six  individual body parts  were prepared from the respective crab muscle tissues    and    then     analyzed    by    sodium    dodecyl    sulfate-polyacrylamide    gel electrophoresis  (SDS-PAGE)   and  immunoblotting  using  sera  from  28  crab-allergic patients. The mix  body part contains 24   protein fractions, while all individual body parts have almost similar protein profiles with 16 to  21 protein bands between 15 to >250 kDa. The bands above 50 kDa were recognized as heat-sensitive proteins in the boiled extracts.  Therefore, the boiled extracts have fewer protein bands than the raw extracts. Both heat-sensitive  and heat-resistant protein bands have capabilities to bind to  IgE  antibodies  of  the  tested   sera,  but  with  dissimilar  binding  patterns.  A  heat- sensitive allergen at 95 kDa and four  heat-resistant allergens at 50, 42, 38 and 36 kDa were identified as the major allergens with the  frequencies of IgE-binding at 54, 50, 60, 64 and 54%, respectively. Immunoblotting of selected sera  revealed various IgE- binding patterns against individual body parts.  The female leg was  identified as the most  allergenic  part  than  the  other  crab  parts  based  on  the  number  of   IgE-binding bands, number of major allergens and IgE-binding band intensities. Only a few bands  particularly the 38 kDa retain the IgE-binding capabilities in all boiled extracts. Mass  spectrometry  analysis  identified  the  38  kDa  of  S.  paramamosain  as  tropomyosin, while the  42 kDa were identified as beta-actin. As a conclusion, this study indicated that  all  body  parts   of  S.  paramamosain  have  numerous  heat-sensitive  and  heat- resistant  allergenic  proteins,   contributing  to  variable  allergenicity  between  the  crab body parts.  Five  protein  bands  at   95,  50,  42,  38  and  36  kDa were identified  as  the major  allergens  of  this  crab.  The   implication  is,  these  findings  are  useful  for  the advancement of the IgE-based diagnosis and  management of crab-allergic patients.  


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