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Type :article
Subject :N Fine Arts
Main Author :Norakmal Abdullah
Additional Authors :Nor Syazwani Mat Salleh
Harleny Abd Arif
Azlin Iryani Mohd Noor
Jamilah Omar
Title :Symmetry patterns: an analysis on frieze patterns in Malay telepuk fabric
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Research on the study of the motif and symmetry of the Malay Telepuk (Gilding Cloth) are not extensive in Malaysia. Many documented research by textile artists and researchers mainly touch on the history, aesthetics, motif representations/meanings, development of textile design and textile cosmology especially of the Songket and Batik.The Telepuk or Gilding Cloth is generated from the technique of enhancing and beautifying cloth using gold paper. The Malaysian States of Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Johore, Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan are the main producers of the Telepuk (Gilding Cloth). This paper is an analysis and the classification of the structure of the design pattern of the Telepuk(Gilding Cloth) through its symmetrical group that is the frieze pattern. The design pattern analysis is carried out on the cloth structure (badan kain, tepi kain, kaki kain and kepala kain) the sarong, kain lepas or selendang and the headgear. The sample of the Telepuk sourced from the Selangor State Museum was selected and reproduced in the form of a sketch using Adobe Illustrators. The design pattern of the Telepuk resulting from this study will be documented and catalogued and serves as a useful guideline for relevant professional bodies as well as serving as a database for future reference. The study contributes effectively in the use of the grid system in the process of pattern and motif design from the creativity of Malaysian Telepuk(Gilding Cloth) weavers. It also serves as evidence of the existence of geometrical and symmetrical patterns in the Telepuk (Gilding Cloth) that will be useful to the Telepuk design industry, leading to it being an effective model to the other Malaysian arts and craft in coming out with ideas in motif and pattern design.  


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