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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Supplier selection is the most crucial element in a hypermarket’s supply chain system. This paper verifies the past research framework of supplier selection criteria by developing a supplier selection decision support model based on the modified Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the integrated Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) model. Methodology - This paper presents a methodology to develop a theoretical model and literature analysis is executed in the area of supplier selection decision support model. Stratified sampling was chosen as sampling technique in this study to select hypermarket located in Selangor, Malaysia. All standalone Giant hypermarkets were selected. A combined theory model for the supplier selection employed the typical stages of the supplier selection process: data gathering, AHP calculation, SCOR evaluation, and the implementation of decision making. Findings - An increase in the market’s competitive edge, this paper highlights the current hypermarket situation and the selection criteria for choosing of the best supplier, especially with regards to improving the competitiveness of the whole supply chain system. Practical Implication - The results amplify the most appropriate decision-making approach, providing the implication of novelty development of the new integrated decisionmaking approach. Originality/value - This new model attempts to provide practitioners in a personal or professional setting with the skills to achieve the success of the holistic approach in the future decision support system. |
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