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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat Cina sepanjang
tempoh yang dikenali sebagai zaman kemerosotan Taiping, iaitu pada tahun 1900
hingga 1937. Kemerosotan aktiviti perlombongan membawa perubahan besar kepada
corak ekonomi masyarakat Cina di Taiping kerana mereka terlibat secara aktif dalam
industri perlombongan sejak abad ke-19. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan
kaedah kualitatif. Dokumen, fail, laporan semasa pentadbiran British serta akhbar yang
diterbitkan sepanjang tempoh kajian diteliti dengan tujuan untuk memahami dan
menganalisis kegiatan ekonomi dan perubahan yang berlaku kepada kegiatan ekonomi
masyarakat Cina di Taiping. Maklumat daripada sumber berkenaan memperlihatkan
bahawa masyarakat Cina di Taiping melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam pelbagai
kegiatan ekonomi selain daripada aktiviti perlombongan seperti aktiviti perniagaan,
pertanian, perikanan, penternakan dan perkhidmatan kerajaan. Walau bagaimanapun,
industri perlombongan masih menjadi salah satu sumber pendapatan kepada
masyarakat Cina walaupun kegiatan ekonomi tersebut mengalami kemerosotan pada
awal abad ke-20. Ringkasnya, kemerosotan Taiping memberi kesan kepada kegiatan
ekonomi masyarakat Cina di Taiping pada tahun 1900 hingga 1937. Pemahaman
kepada perkembangan sejarah yang berlaku sepanjang tempoh kemerosotan ini
memperlihatkan tindak balas masyarakat Cina terhadap krisis ekonomi dan
kemelesetan ekonomi dunia yang memberi pengetahuan penting kepada generasi
sekarang. |
References |
Sumber Pertama
A.128. Peta Taiping 1928.
A.O. Krian 28/32. Tabacco Cultivation in Selama District.
A.O. Krian 65/36. Goat Keeping in Malaya.
A Report on the 1931 Census and on Certain Problems of Vital Statistics.
A Report on the 1947 Census of Population.
Annual Report for the Year 1900 on the Federated Malay States.
Annual Report on the Department Agriculture, Malaya for the Year 1935.
Annual Report on the Department of Agriculture, Malaya for the Year 1936.
Annual Report on the Social and Economic Progress of the People of the Federated Malay States for 1933.
Annual Report on the Social and Economic Progress of the People of Perak for the Year 1933.
Annual Report on the Social and Economic Progress of the People of Perak for the Year 1934.
Annual Report on the Social and Economic Progress of the People of Perak for the Year 1935.
Annual Report on the Social and Economic Progress of the People of Perak for the Year 1936.
Annual Report on the Social and Economic Progress of the People of Perak for the Year 1937.
Annual Report of Agriculture, S.S. and F.M.S. for the Year 1931.
Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture, S.S. and F.M.S. for the Year 1932.
Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture, S.S. and F.M.S. for the Year 1934.
Annual Report of the State of Pahang for the Year 1901.
Annual Report of the State of Negri Sembilan for the Year 1901.
Annual Report of the State Agricultural Officer, Perak for the Year 1934.
Annual Report of the Labour Department, Malaya 1933.
C/1046. Batu Matang Rubber Plantation (1932) Ltd.
Census of the State of Perak 1891.
Chinese Traid Society.
D.C.F. PK. No. 129/22. Beh Ah Teng Firewood Supply Larut Tin Dredging Co:Via Telok Kertang, Coupe – Telok Kertang 4/22.
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser. Februari 1906..
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser. November 1906.
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser. Jun 1907.
Federated Malay States Annual Report for 1903.
Federated Malay States Annual Report for 1904.
Federated Malay States Annual Report for 1920.
Federated Malay States Annual Report for 1921.
Federated Malay States Annual Report for 1922.
Federated Malay States Annual Report for 1924.
Federated Malay States Annual Report for 1927.
Federated Malay States Census of the Population, 1901.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Januari 1911.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Mac 1912.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Julai 1916.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Januari 1920.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Februari 1920.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Ogos 1922.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Januari 1926.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Mei 1926.
Federated Malay States GovernmentGazette. Januari 1926.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Januari 1928.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Februari 1929.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Februari 1931.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Julai 1931.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. September 1931.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Januari 1932.
Federated Malay States Government Gazette. Mac 1932.
Federated Malay States Resident-General’s Annual Report for the Year 1905.
Federated Malay States Resident-General’s Annual Report fot the Year 1907.
Federated Malay States Report of the Chief Secretary to Government for the Year 1928.
Federated Malay States Report of the Chief Secretary to Government for the Year 1931.
Federated Malay States Report on the Administration of the Mines Department and on the Mining Industries for the Year 1936.
Federated Malay States Report on the Administration of the Mines Department and on the Mining Industries for the Year 1934.
Federated Malay States Report on Mines Department for the Year 1914.
H.O.P.N. 164/1927. L. & M. No. 55 Sweep Thye Estate.
H.O.P.N. 167/1927. L. & M. No. 58 Sin Khuan Estate.
H.O.P.N. 176/1927. L. & M. No. 68 Ban Teik Huat Estate.
H.O.P.N. 181/1927. L. & M. No. 73. Taiping Rubber Plantation.
H.O.P.N. 197/1927. L. & M. No. 89 Now Know As Hoe Seng Estate.
H.O.P.N. 204/1927. L. & M. No. 96 Loke Man Fai Estate.
H.O.P.N. 209/1927. Selama. No. 3 Yee Meow Yan Estate.
H.O.P.N. 219/1927. L. & M. No. 111 Lum Sin Hean Estate.
H.O.P.N. 229/1927. L. & M. No. 121 Hoe Lee Estate (Ing Pong Kota Rd.) H.O.P.N. 230/1927. L. & M. No. 122. Soon Bin Estate.
H.O.P.N. 262/1927. Krian No. 6 Chung Thye Ngit Estate.
H.O.P.N. 223/1932. Board of Visiting Justices for the Year 1934.
H.O.P.N. 354/1935. Selama: Tan Lo Eng Estate.
H.O.P.N. 70/39. Hua Lian Branch School, 3 Upper Station Road, Taiping.
Larut No. 844/30. Application for Transf: Occupation Licence for the Purpose of Planting Vegetables at Sepetang Village. Batu Kurau.
Larut No. 250/33. Application for T.O.L Over State Land at Temelok in Bukit Gantang Mukim for Planting Padi and Vegetables.
Larut No. 97/34. List of Licenced Rubber Dealer for 1934 in Larut & Matang & Selama.
Larut No. 88/36. 1936, Pig Census.
Larut No. 187/36. Application from Rubber Dealers for Permission to Sell Sundry Goods Together with Rubber Business.
Larut No. 223/36. Applies for Land in Bukit Gantang Mukim for Planting Vegetables. Larut No. 242/36. Applies for Land in Tupai Mukim for Planting Tobacco. Larut No. 246/36. Applies for a T.O.L. for Erecting a Pigsty on Lot 575 Kampong Boyan, Taiping.
Larut No. 249/36. Applies for a License to Manufacture Bricks and Tiles on Lot No: 1812 and 1813 Asam Kumbang Mukim.
Larut No. 261/36. Rubber Dealer’s Licence No. 83 P. Tanjong Applies for Permission to Sell Sundry Goods Together with the Purchase of Rubber in His Shop.
Larut No. 332/36. Fong Cheong Heng, Kamunting, 23rd March 1936, Applies for 8 acres of State Land at Gugop at Kamunting for Mining.
Larut No. 377/36. Application for Permission to Erect a Corrugated Iron Shed on Mining Lot 1150 Asam Kumbang for the Purpose Putting Up Two Saw Benches.
Larut No. 382/36. Chuah Chong Cheong Applies for Transfer of Rubber Dealer’s ence No. 66/36 to His Name, as the Former Licensee Chuah Chong Tit has Died.
Larut No. 628/36. Tenders for Painting Government Quarters and Building in and Matang for Period 1.7.36 to 30.6.37.
Larut No. 762/36. Application for 1st Class Liquor Licence – Chop Sin Chuan Aik.
Larut No. 778/36. Rubber Licence No. 25/36 Application to Transfer His Licence to Mr. Tan Puat Keat.
Larut No. 929/36. Applies for Land in Asam Kumbang Mukim for Kampong.
Larut No. 947/36. Boey Heang (f) Applies for a Piece of Land for Planting Vegetables at the Back of Lot No. 1188 in Asam Kumbang Mukim.
Larut No. 956/36. Visiting Justice for the Convict Prison, Taiping for the Year 1937.
Larut No. 957/36. Members of the Licensing Board under the Excise Enactment (Chapter 133 of the Revised Edition) for Larut District for the Year 1937.
Larut No. 1036/36. Applies for Land in Trong Mukim for Cultivating Coconut and Nipah.
Larut No. 1083/36. Applies for Land in Kamunting Mukim for Planting Fruit Trees.
Larut No. 1114/36. Loh Ah Chat and Tan Teik Loye Applies for Land in Kamunting Mukim for Kampong.
Larut No. 1124/36. Application for Renewal of his Licence to Store Rubber at Premises No. 2A Market Square.
Larut No. 139/37. Koe Peng Estate. Permission to pay 1037 Quit Rent by Installment.
Larut No. 228/37. Applies for a Licence to Store Rubber at Pre. No. 20 Tupai Rd. Taiping.
Larut No. 304/37. Applies for a Government Loan of $750 to Repair His House or Permission be Given Him to Charge His Land Grant No. 15156 Taiping Township.
Larut No. 556/37. Applies T.O.L in the New Industrial Area at Kota for Storing Charcoal.
Larut No. 578/37. Applies for a Piece of a State Land Lot No. 725 Taiping Township for Building a House.
Larut No. 595/37. Renewal of M.L. 1116 Lot 523 Tupai Mukim for Further Period of 21 Years.
Larut No. 919/37. Applies for Land in Kamunting Mukim for Fruit Planting.
Larut No. 932/37. Applies for Permission to Use Padang Gajah Sg. le Path during Visit to His Estate.
MN/PS/PK/73. Lombong dedah Towkay Ng Boo Bee di Kamunting. MN/BS/PK/5. Taiping 1870.
MN/BS/PK/46. King Edward’s School, Taiping. MN/BS/PK/62. Kota Road, Perak (Bandar Taiping).
MN/BS/PK/67. Hospital Besar Taiping “Raja’s Ward” (Wad Diraja atau Wad VVIP).
MN/BS/PK/71. The Centeral Police Station Perak..
MN/BS/PK/83. Taiping 1907. MO/BS/TP/PK/29. Tokong Cina di Matang.
MO/BS/TP/PK/30. Tokong Cina yang Tertua di Taiping. MO/BS/TP/PK/101. Stesen Kereta Api Taiping.
MO/BS/TP/PK/105. Pemandangan Bandar Taiping dari Udara. MO/BS/TP/PK/114. Hospital Taiping.
MO/BS/TP/PK/205. Bangunan Lama di Bandar Taiping. MO/BS/PK/8. Pasar Besar Taiping.
MO/BS/PK/73. Sekolah Menengah St. George’s Taiping. Monthly Reports Mines Department Perak 1906.
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Malaya Tribune. November 1915.
Malaya Tribune. Mei 1930. Malaya Tribune. Februari 1931.
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Malaya Tribune. Desember 1934.
Malaya Tribune. Januari 1935.
Malaya Tribune. Februari 1935.
Malaya Tribune. April 1935.
Malaya Tribune. September 1935.
Morning Tribune. Desember 1937. No Fail 3400/1908. Loans to Planters. Inspecting Officer’s, Inspections and Fees etc.
No. 465/14. Coolies Line at Asam Kumbang.
No. 10/18. Supply of Firewood to Mines Near Taiping.
No. 58/18. Permit to Cut and Remove Timber and Firewood from Coupes Trong 12/17A and Selinsing 14/17 lessee Beh Ah Khoy.
No. 61/18. Permit to Cut and Remove Timber and Firewood from Sangga Coupe 14/17 Lessee Lim Sam Kip.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1900.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1901.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1906.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1907.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1908.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1910.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1911.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1912.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1920.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1922.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1924.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1925.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1926.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1929.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1930.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1931.
Perak Administration Report for the Year 1932.
Perak Government Gazette. Januari 1900. Perak Government Gazette. Mac 1900.
Perak Government Gazette. April 1900
Perak Government Gazette. Oktober 1900.
Perak Government Gazette. Januari 1901.
Perak Government Gazette. Mac 1901.
Perak Government Gazette. Januari 1905.
Perak Government Gazette. Februari 1905.
Perak Government Gazette. Mac 1905.
Perak Government Gazette. April 1905.
Perak Government Gazette. Mei 1905.
Perak Pioneer. Januari 1900.
Power of Attorney 20/21. Low See of Chop “Hon Sun” Barber Shop No. 107, Kota Road, Taiping.
Power /21. Kwa Chooi Seng Sole Proprietor of Chandu Retail Shop No. 37 Kota Road, Taiping.
Power ttorney 70/21. Chuah Say Yaw of Fruit Market Taiping in the District of Larut.
Power of Attorney 113/21. Ng Khoo (f) Shop Keeper of Asam Kumbang.
Report by the Resident-General of the Federated Malay States for the Year 1897.
Report on the Southern Division of the Mines Branch for the Year 1901.
Selangor Administration Report for the Year 1901.
TPG: T.C. 5/1/161. Record Sheet of Government Chandoo Shop No. 143. Barrack Road, Taiping. No.213.
TPG: T.C. 5/1/85. L.P.R. of the Coffee Shop No. 53 Tupai Village, Taiping. O.w. Tan Kwu Hong. Board No. 23.
Taipeng Weekly Record. Mac 1935.
Taipeng Weekly Record. April 1935.
Taipeng Weekly Record. Mei 1935.
Taipeng Weekly Record. Jun 1935.
Taipeng Weekly Record. Julai 1935.
Taipeng Weekly Record. September 1935.
The Census of the Federated Malay States, 1911, Review of the Census Operations and Results Including Tables Exhibiting the Population by Sex, Age, Race, Birthplace, Religion and Occupation.
The Census of British Malaya 1921(The Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Protected States of Johore, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Trengganu and Brunei).
The Directory and Chronicle of China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, The Philippines, &c with which are incorporated “The China Directory” and “The Hongkong Directory an Hong List for the Far East” for the Year 1908.
The Directory and Chronicle of China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, The Philippines, &c with which are incorporated “The China Directory” and “The Hongkong Directory an Hong List for the Far East” for the Year 1912.
The Federated Malay States Chamber of Mines Year Book for 1918.
The Federated Malay States Chamber of Mines Year Book for 1919.
The Federated Malay States Chamber of Mines Year Book and Rules 1937.
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