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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The younger generation has not yet realised the importance of financial literacy and most of them are materialistic. An integration of technology into teaching financial literacy can promote students’ learning interest. The aim of this study is to develop a financial literacy cybergogy model to promote human values, practices and accountability among secondary school students. This study employed survey design and consisted of two stages: 1. develop the questionnaire; 2. develop and examine the construct of the model. The confirmatory factor analysis measurement model 1 with four latent variables, accountability, decision making, human value and practices was constructed with 24 items. The FLC measurement model 1 did not meet threshold, a revision was needed. The revised FLC measurement model 2 presented Chi-square/df=2.186, GFI=.936, AGFI=.903, CFI=.900, RMSEA =.060, and all the values fitted within the acceptable value. This indicated an acceptable model fit. After producing a good fit FLC measurement model, a second order CFA was conducted. All the values met the required threshold. Students’ with good financial planning will experience well-being until their retirement. A comparative study with other countries will become the future direction of this research
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