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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of this study was to develop the relationship model between learning
environment (physical and psychosocial environment), psychological characteristics (students’
academic self-efficacy and satisfaction) and higher order thinking skills in statistics education.
The study also aimed to determine if psychological characteristics mediate the relationship
between learning environment and higher order thinking skills. A total of 285 students
were selected as sample using cluster sampling. The study instruments were adapted from Smart
Classroom Inventory, Science Laboratory Environment Inventory, College and Classroom
Environment Inventory, Test of Science-Related Attitudes, Self-Efficacy in Learning and
Performance for College and Dimension of Learning rubrics. The gathered data were
analysed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings
revealed that significant direct relationship existed between psychosocial learning environment
and higher order thinking skills (β=.319, p=.000). The result also found that there is not enough
proof to support the relationship between physical learning environment and higher order thinking
skills (β=.070, p=.148). Mediation effect of self-efficacy and satisfaction were found in
the relationship between learning environment (physical and psychosocial) and higher
order thinking skills (β?=.160, p?=.000, β?=.225, p?=.000). Meanwhile, content knowledge
(β?=-.026, p?=.593, β?=-.021, p?=.585) and gender of respondents (β?=.077, p?=.718, β?=.029,
p?=.914) have no significant moderating effect on the relationship between exogenous and
endogenous constructs. In conclusion, the relationship among learning
environment, psychological characteristics and higher order thinking skills in
statistics education were successfully modeled and represented as The Relationship Model
between Learning Environment, Psychological Characteristics and Higher Order Thinking Skills
in Statistics Education (LEPHs Model). LEPHs model provides significant and valuable contributions
to theoretical, methodological, educational practice and knowledge in the area of higher
order thinking research in the context of Malaysian Institution of Higher Learning. The implication
of this study suggests that the LEPHs model can be used to determine the quality of the
learning environment based on students' psychological characteristics and high level of
thinking skills in the teaching and
learning process for statistics education.
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