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Type :thesis
Subject :TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Main Author :Mustapha Chedi, Jamilu
Title :Development of a new curriculum of ergonomics-based technology education for Nigerian universities
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Teknikal dan Vokasional
Year of Publication :2018
Notes :Pedagogi
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  develop  a  new  curriculum  of  ergonomics-based technology education for Nigerian universities. This study consisted of two phases: needs analysis  and modified Delphi technique. The purpose of the needs analysis was to explore the levels of  ergonomics awareness and the needs of ergonomics curriculum as well as to determine the lecturers’  perception toward the incorporation of ergonomics curriculum. Also,  modified  Delphi  technique   was  implemented  to  determine  the  relevant  domains needed  for the new ergonomics curriculum  using experts’ consensus.  A sample of 132 lecturers’  was  selected  based  on  the  Krejcie  and   Morgan’s  sample  size  table  from  the population (N=200) for the needs analysis phase from four  selected universities in Nigeria. Participants were selected using stratified random sampling. The  second phase involved a Delphi panel which consisted of 11 experts that was selected using snowball  technique based  on  the  specific  criteria.  Instruments  used  in  this  study  to  collect   empirical  data included questionnaire and an interview protocol. Quantitative data were analyzed  using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and interquartile range (IQR). The  qualitative data were categorized using thematic analysis. The key finding revealed that the  overall  mean  illustrates  lecturers  strongly  agreed  (M=4.24,  SD=0.45)  on  the  needs  to  incorporate ergonomics and supported (M=4.19, SD=0.47) the introduction of ergonomics- based  technology education in Nigerian universities. At the final round of Delphi analysis, 18 topics and  42 sub-topics gained more than the cut-off point of 70% hence they were accepted. The highest mean  scores was 4.82 and lowest score 4.45 which was above the cut-off point of 4.21 therefore strong  agreement among the experts was achieved. Also, standard deviations were below one (SD < 1) which  showed that a strong consensus has been attained. IQR was one or less than one (IQR  ≤ 1) that  indicated a higher level of agreement  and  thus  the  experts  have  reached  a  consensus.  In   conclusion,  a  new ergonomics-based curriculum in technology education was constructed based on  the needs analysis and verified by experts’ agreement.  A main implication of this research is that  a new  curriculum  of  ergonomics-based  technology  education  program  can  be  offered  to Nigerian universities.  


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