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Type :article
Subject :JA Political science (General)
Main Author :Norhafiza Mohd Hed
Title :Being a young political activist in contemporary Malaysia: motivations and challenges
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan
Year of Publication :2020
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
There is  a dearth of empirical studies  on young political activist in Malaysia, specifically on how and  why  they  get  involved  in  political activism,  and  in  relation  to  the  rich  literature  that  has developed in Western democracies. By applying Klandermans’s framework of ‘Demand and Supply of Participation’ framework, together with the data collected primarily from interviews with youth political activists, this study examines the engagement of youth activists who were actively involved in  political  activities  including  social  movements,  protests  and  civil  society  in  Malaysia.  This includes  their  motivations  to get involved and the challenges  they faced as  political activists. The findings  showed  that  most  of  the  activists  interviewed  started  to  actively  participate  in  political activism  at  university,  as  student  activists.  Even  though  most  of  them  have  graduated,  they  still carry  on  their  activism.  To  some  extent,  their  motivations  to  political  activism  in  Malaysia  are significantly driven by a strong belief that their participation could bring about change, a sense of collective  identity  and  strong  attachment  to  specific  groups  and  aided  by  the strong  influence  of social networking  


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