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Type :thesis
Subject :JF Political institutions (General)
Main Author :Noor Dheyaa Azeez
Title :The evaluation framework for Malaysian services success in mobile government environment
Hits :882
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The purpose of this study was to develop the M-government service success evaluation framework (M-GSEF) to evaluate mobile-government (M-government) service success from the perspective of citizens. The development of the evaluation framework was carried out by exploring the dimensions and factors of M-government service success and adapting DeLone and McLean’s IS success model. A number of dimensions and associated factors within each dimension of the M-GSEF were identified. System quality, information quality, and service quality were the dimensions adopted from the DeLone and McLean's model, whereas intention to use and user satisfaction were the dimensions re-specified in the proposed framework as citizen's use/usefulness and citizen's satisfaction, respectively. Meanwhile, citizen’s trust, perceived M-government service quality and perceived effectiveness were incorporated as new dimensions in the proposed framework. The design of the present study is based on descriptive research method. This study used a quantitative approach involving the Fuzzy Delphi technique and structural equation modeling to evaluate and validate the proposed framework, respectively. Questionnaires were used to collect the data from a sample size of 380 people from Kuala Lumpur, Perak and Selangor in Malaysia. The findings demonstrated strong positive correlation relationships as a following significant values between perceived M-government service quality with system quality was 0.25; information quality was 0.20, service quality was 0.16 and citizen’s satisfaction was 0.13. In addition, citizen’s trust exhibited direct relationships with perceived M-government service quality and perceived effectiveness of M-government services as their critical ratios (0.19 and 0.30). Thus, as the major contribution of the proposed study is to (1) develop evaluation framework for mgovernment success through (2) the identified new dimensions, namely, perceived Mgovernment service quality, citizen’s trust and perceived effectiveness, and (3) respecified dimensions, namely, citizen’s use/usefulness and citizen’s satisfaction, have major significance in the success of the M-government myGov service in the context of Malaysian citizens’ perspective. Surely, the study has a major implication on the current practice in that the proposed framework (M-GSEF) can provide the Malaysian government's agencies with appropriate indicators to evaluate the success of M- government services


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