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Type :thesis
Subject :RA Public aspects of medicine
Main Author :Yanzhen, Wang
Title :Effects of game-based childhood obesity prevention framework among preschool children
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2018
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This research was carried out to validate a framework of game-based childhood obesity prevention. A mobile game titled Fight Obesity 2.0 was produced through a five-step gamification approach as an instance of the prevention framework. The game incorporated constructive alignment of intended prevention outcomes and structural game elements. The lean production strategy was deployed to produce a viable serious game with its paratextual materials. The design of the game was validated by 38 game designers through a playtesting session, while the content knowledge was validated by two pediatricians, one from China and another in Malaysia. The game also passed the age rating test under the International Age Rating Coalition. The effects of Fight Obesity 2.0 in actual prevention context was investigated through a non-equivalent control group pre-test / post-test quasiexperiment. Edumetric tests were conducted with 60 children at the kindergarten in the National Child Development Research Centre. After having a month of exposure to game playing, the experimental group performed significantly better in the post-test as compared to their performance in the pre-test and the performance of the control group in the post-test. In terms of gender difference, female children performed significantly better than the male. Twenty-one null hypotheses were tested to examine the effects of the game upon children‘s food preferences, conception on the relationship between obesity and physical exercise, and the danger of obesity among children. In conclusion, the game was found to be effective in changing the children‘s food preference, from liking unhealthy food to disliking unhealthy food. These results were verified by findings revealed through a one-week non-participant observation in the kindergarten and semi-structured interviews conducted with the kindergarten supervisor. The implication of this research suggest that a serious game (designed and developed based on the framework game-based childhood obesity prevention) can make significant positive effects in changing the food preferences among preschool children. However, further studies would be needed to examine how the framework can afford preschool children to comprehend the relationship between physical activities and obesity, and the danger of childhood obesity.


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