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Type :thesis
Subject :Q Science
Main Author :Nadira Ismail
Title :The implementation of science creative teaching design tool in teaching and learning science
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2019
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This case study was conducted qualitatively to explore and understand the process through Science Creative Teaching Design (SCTD) implementation. Seven informants including two Science teachers and five form two students from selected boarding school were involved in this research. Data were collected through in-depth semistructured interviews, observations, document analysis and field notes. The data were further analyzed through coding, categorizing and sub- themes to develop the main themes. This research found that, SCTD tool was feasible for Science teachers, improves both teachers’ and students’ emotions against stressful and less innovative teaching and learning. Informants have practiced almost all suggested creative strategies, hence, demonstrated creative teaching and learning and active teaching. Thinking culture was found amongst students and teachers as they attained creative thinking characteristics such as cognitive flexibility, originality thinking, fluency thinking, elaboration thinking, evaluating own works and making decision. The students displayed higher order thinking skills such as analyzing, evaluating and creating and found to develop skill sets such as communication skills, self-confidence and team work skills. Thus, a novel framework of SCTD is successfully designed to enhance teaching and learning in Science. In conclusion, this research promotes a better understanding and exploration on creative teaching and learning through a systematic guide on design thinking and creative skills. This implies that, Science teachers may use SCTD tool to produce a high impact and interesting teaching and learning for the students.


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