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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of customer inspiration
between customer-defined market orientation, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty among
PROTON users. The study was quantitative in nature. A Total of 357 responses was collected through
random sampling from respondents who were users of PROTON automobile in Malaysia. Resource Based
Theory (RBT) was used to explain the effect of customer-defined market orientation on customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty, with mediator customer inspiration. Partial Least Square (PLS)
technique was used to test the proposed research model. Results revealed that customer
satisfaction (R² = 0.412) and customer loyalty (R² = 0.578) are directly influenced by
customer-defined market orientation and customer inspiration. The study reported
significant factors customer orientation (β = 0.1955, t = 2.7731), competitor orientation (β =
0.1841, t = 2.3567) and inter-functional coordination (β = 0.1322, t = 2.3281) which effect
customer satisfaction. The study also identified significant factors customer orientation (β =
0.3255, t = 3.4389), competitor orientation (β = 0.1289, t = 2.1120) and inter-functional
coordination (β =
0.1267, t = 2.6454) which effect customer loyalty. Further, results reveal that customer
inspiration partially mediate the effect between customer orientation (VAF = 0.3960),
competitor orientation (VAF = 0.3191) and inter-functional coordination (VAF = 0.3114)
to customer satisfaction. The results also report that the customer inspiration
mediate the effect between customer orientation (VAF = 0.3273), competitor orientation
(VAF = 0.4185) and inter-functional coordination to customer loyalty (VAF = 0.3683). In
conclusion, results showed that customer-defined market orientation and customer
inspiration perform a significant role in mediating customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty. Hence, business organizations need to focus on customer-defined market
orientation and customer inspiration to satisfy their customer and gain their loyalty.
implication, business organizations should focus on customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty by reinforcing market orientation and customer inspiration.
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