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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The rich and diversified Malaysian flora represents an excellent resource of new chemical structures with biological activities. The genus Xylopia L. includes aromatic plants that have both nutritional and medicinal uses. This study aims to contribute with information about the volatile components of three Xylopia species essential oils: Xylopia frutescens, Xylopia ferruginea, and Xylopia magna. In this study, essential oils were extracted from the leaves by a hydrodistillation process. The identification of the essential oil components was performed by gas chromatography (GC-FID) and gas chromatography–coupled mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The major components of the essential oils from X. frutescens were bicyclogermacrene (22.8%), germacrene D (14.2%), elemol (12.8%), and guaiol (12.8%), whereas components of the essential oils from X. magna were germacrene D (35.9%), bicyclogermacrene (22.8%), and spathulenol (11.1%). The X. ferruginea oil was dominated by bicyclogermacrene (23.6%), elemol (13.7%), guaiol (13.4%), and germacrene D (12.3%).
References |
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