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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study was conducted to obtain the construct validity and reliability of Human Capital SelfAssessment questionnaires instrument among thirteen years old male and female students in Perak, Malaysia. Eighty students from the secondary schools in Kinta Utara and Perak Tengah districts were involved in this study. 100 questionnaire items were built that represent six constructs that are knowledge, thinking skills, leadership skills, bi-languange skills, ethics and spirituality, and national identity aspirations. Factor analysis showed only 83 items that’s represented the six constructs were accepted. The Cronbach-Alpha showed reliability coefficient for all constructs were between α = .73 to α = .92 with the total Cronbach-Alpha value of α = 89.thus, findings showed that the Human Capital Self-Assessment questionnaires instrument have validity and realibility among the studied population |
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